Well Woman Yoga for Menopause classes, CPD and events

Well Woman Yoga for Menopause - Educate, Empower, Embrace

Well Woman and Menopause Yoga classes and mini retreats are for women of any age interesting in maintaining their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Some women experience menopause during their teens, while for others it might not be until their mid fifties.  Whilst some women experience few, if any symptoms, for others the hormonal changes can wreck havoc with their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.  

Yoga can offer useful techniques to support women through these changes, and the support from other women in our women's circles can be invaluable.  The breathing techniques we learn in yoga classes may help with hot flushes, anxiety and insomnia to name but a few of the symptoms.  The physical movements of a yoga class might improve joint, muscle and bone health.  

Our mini retreats always begin with a womens circle - an opportunity to talk freely about your concerns, whilst supporting one another.  Many women find reassurance in our circles, leaving the event knowing that they are not the only one and they are not going mad.

Time spent in relaxation is invaluable in helping to cope with what for many women can be a challenging experience, giving us the tools and skills we need to move into a healthy, happy post menopause !

Monks Cottage Sanctuary, Eastham, Wirral, is a lovely venue, a real oasis of calm with a scenic garden and great facilities.

Kate trained in menopause yoga with Petra Coveney in 2020, and Francoise Freedman from Birthlight in 2021.

  • Well Woman yoga for Menopause Weekly classes

    These weekly classes run on Monday evenings, 730 - 830 at St Bridgets Centre in West Kirby, Wirral.

    A variety of topics are covered during each five week course.

    Next course starts 20th May 2024.

    20th May - pelvic floor health

    27th May - joint health

    3rd June - vagal toning and face yoga

    10th June - happy feet and balance

    17th June - restorative yoga

    Find out more by clicking on the link, and to book your place.

  • Well Woman Retreat days

    A retreat day gives us longer to spend exploring the topic of the day. Retreat days for 2024 include long term post menopause health, breast health and emotional wellbeing.

  • Menopause CPD teacher training

    Kateis a qualified British Wheel of Yoga CPD tutor for Menopause Yoga - please get in touch if you’re interested in offering the CPD event in your area.

Menopause and Well Woman yoga events 2024

Would you like to find out about the ways in which yoga can support you during the perimenopause, menopause and into the post-menopausal years ? Join me, Kate Knowles, a well qualified yoga teacher, specialising in Well Woman and Menopause Yoga, for a day of gentle yoga and relaxation in a supportive, welcoming space. These days are for women only.

Open to women of any age who are interested in how yoga can support their health and wellbeing during the menopausal years and beyond.

Tea, coffee and cake will be provided but please bring your own lunch.

Each day will include some restorative yoga and a deep relaxation.

Only ten places at each event - held at Monks Cottage Sanctuary, Manor Road, Eastham, Wirral. This is a lovely venue with beautiful gardens.

  • Emotional Wellbeing

    The hormonal changes of menopause can often lead to changes in emotional wellbeing, possibly with feelings of anxiety, despair or depression. We will consider all this during the day, and ways in which yogic techniques might be able to help. The day will include plenty of techniques to support the vagus nerve which is essential to our health and wellbeing.

  • Long term health

    Enjoy your second spring ! Menopause is often seen as a negative experience, but many women find the cessation of periods to be a real relief, liberating them to get on with life. Today will be an opportunity to explore how to optiimise your own postmenopause health.